Hills and hamlets

One of the most beautiful hamlet in Italy, Bassano del Grappa, with the river Brenta and its famous bridge designed by Palladio is the perfect place to know more about World War I and II. Discover the stories of the village, visit the museum of ceramics and the collection of paintings by the Da Ponte Family, learn about the time Ernest Hemingway was here.

If you wish to see something peculiar, come with me to visit this fortified hamlet built by the Scaligeri, a noble family from Verona during the XIV century. In this small medieval town, there are two castles. Every two years, in the large square, you can assist to a famous chess match where live chessmen dressed up as medieval characters wear precious costumes and gonfalons…what else? Oh…Did I tell you that Marostica is the town of cherries?

Visit one of these villages during a day tour to the Palladio’s villas. Castelfranco is the town of the painter Giorgione, and at the Duomo you can admire one of his most famous painting, la Pala di Giorgione. Asolo was the town of the venetian “queen” Caterina Cornaro, actress Eleonora Duse and explorer and writer Freya Stark. In Possagno we can discover all about the sculptor Antonio Canova inside the Gypsoteca, now a museum. Part of the museum is a masterpiece by Carlo Scarpa.